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The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) - Selsey - West Sussex



Address and contact details for The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey)

The Elms
Chichester Road

West Sussex

Tel: 01243 604674
Fax: n/a

Please mention when
contacting The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey).

The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) in Selsey, West Sussex



The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) 's Map



The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) 's Picture Gallery

The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) in Selsey, West Sussex
The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) in Selsey, West Sussex
The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) in Selsey, West Sussex
The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) in Selsey, West Sussex

Description of The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey)

The Pink Cottage Day Nursery offers exceptional standards of childcare for children between the ages of three months to five years, within a nurturing, homely environment. We strongly believe that the most important learning and development for every child happens at home with their parents. We have therefore designed our nursery environment to reflect the characteristics and qualities of a home to help ensure the provision of an optimal learning environment for each child’s continued development. At The Pink Cottage we have an extensive, secure garden for the children to play in and explore. Our nursery offers four bright and spacious play areas, fully equipped with a wide variety of stimulating resources and equipment designed to support the development of children at each stage of their learning and development. It is our priority to maintain consistently high standards of quality childcare and to put the needs of children and their families at the heart of everything we do. Developing strong relationships with parents and carers is paramount to the success of our setting, and to your child’s holistic growth and development. Your child’s happiness and enjoyment is one of our fundamental priorities. We will provide a safe, secure, caring and fun environment to enable opportunities for growth and development through play. This will be in accordance with the new early years legislation that is the Early Years Foundation Stage.


The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) opening times

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
0730 - 1800 0730 - 1800 0730 - 1800 0730 - 1800 0730 - 1700 closed closed

Services offered by The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey)

The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) is a registered Day Nursery with 31 childcare places for children aged between 0 years 3 months and 5 years 0 months. The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) is registered with West Sussex Local Authority.


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Holiday Cottages in West Sussex
Important Note: Our best efforts have been made to ensure that the information provided for The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) is correct. However, you should check with The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) before basing any decisions about the suitability of this day nursery. We accept no liability as to the accurace of the information provided about The Pink Cottage Day Nursery (Selsey) or any other nursery included in our directory